Bible Emergency Numbers

 As effective at 911………..or more

All these numbers may be phoned directly,

no operator assistance is necessary.  


All lines to heaven are available 24 hours a day.  Feed your faith, and doubt will starve to death.



You are sad, phone John 14

You have sinned, phone Psalm 51

You are facing danger, phone Psalm 91

People have failed you, phone Psalm 27

It feels as though God is far from you,

phone Psalm 139​

Your faith needs stimulation,

phone Hebrews 11

Your are alone and scared, phone Psalm 23

You are worried, phone Matthew 8:19-34

You are hurt and critical,

phone 1 Corinthians 13

You wonder about Christianity,

phone 2 Corinthians 5:15-18

You feel like an outcast,

phone Romans 8:31-39

You are seeking peace,

phone Matthew 11:25-30

It feels as if the world is bigger than God,

phone Psalm 90

You need Christ like insurance,

phone Romans 8:1-30

You are leaving home for a trip,

phone Psalm 121

You are praying for yourself,

phone Psalm 87

You require courage for a task,

phone Joshua 1

Inflation and investments are hogging

your thoughts, phone Mark 10:17-31

You are depressive, phone Psalm 27

You lose faith in mankind,

phone 1 Corinthians 13

It looks like people are unfriendly,

phone John 15

You feel the world is small compared to you,

phone Psalm 19

You want to carry fruit, phone John 15

Paul’s secret for happiness,

phone Colossians 3:12-17

With big opportunity/discovery,

phone Isaiah 55

To get along with other people,

phone Romans 12


Alternate Numbers


For dealing with fear, call Psalm 47

For security, call Psalm 121:3

For assurance, call Mark 8:35

For reassurance, call Psalm 145:18


Prayer for the earth


All powerful God,

you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.

Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense

of the poor and the earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that

we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light. We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace


Why Catholic?

How can we encourage Catholics to openly talk about their faith?

How should people respond when others question their Catholic beliefs?

How can parents pass along to their families a full appreciation of the rich gifts of Catholicism?

Many Catholics, young and old, face opportunities every day to share their faith with others but lack the basic knowledge and confidence to do so. How can you address this issue?

By implementing Why Catholic? a thoughtfully designed and proven process from RENEW International.

Why Catholic? has a rich scriptural and catechetical approach that gives a solid foundation for every Catholic to be an evangelizer.


Catholics often face opportunities to share their faith with others, but lack the basic knowledge and confidence to do so. 

Why Catholic? has a rich scriptural and catechetical approach that gives a solid foundation for every Catholic to express their faith and be able to reach out to others in faith. 

Offers a concrete approach to help adults deepen their Catholic faith and connect its teachings to their everyday lives. 

  • Explores Catholic teaching with direct quotes from Catechism of the Catholic Church, scriptural references, and reflection questions

  • Covers four themes of Catholic beliefs, sacraments, morality, and prayer in 48sessions

  • Occurs in a prayerful small community setting that is a supportive environment for evangelization and adult faith formation.

¿Por qué ser católico

Visión general

¿Por qué ser católico? es una experiencia de formación para los adultos en la fe, que compartiéndola y profundizando les ayuda a vincularla con la vida cotidiana de todos los días.

¿Por qué ser católico?


+ Promueve los objetivos de Sentíamos Arder Nuestro Corazón, una propuesta pastoral de los Obispos de los Estados Unidos para la formación de los adultos en la fe.


+ Inscribe y enmarca el itinerario de fe de los adultos en la dinámica de toda la comunidad parroquial, incluyendo, al mismo tiempo, otros procesos pastorales presentes en la parroquia.


+ Se apoya en las Sagradas Escrituras, la Tradición de la Iglesia expresada en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, así como en el Magisterio del Papa y nuestros obispos.


+ Consta de 48 sesiones agrupadas en la serie ¿Por qué ser católico? de cuatro libros (12 sesiones cada uno), siguiendo la estructura básica del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica: la profesión de la fe, la celebración de los sacramentos, la vida moral y la vida de oración.

Cada sesión contiene citas directas y referencias tanto de las Sagradas Escrituras como del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, así como del Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para Adultos. Todas las sesiones ofrecen preguntas para la reflexión y para compartir como pequeña comunidad eclesial la fe.


¿Por qué ser católico? es un proceso parroquial ideal para:

Pequeñas comunidades eclesiales, Catequistas, participantes en el proceso del R.I.C.A.

Padres cuyos hijos están preparándose para recibir los sacramentos, familias que desean fortalecer su fe.

El proceso de ¿Por qué ser católico? es inclusivo, quiere llegar a todos y trabajar con todos en la parroquia. Contiene una amplia gama de elementos que ayudan y animan a la participación de todos los miembros de la parroquia que deseen tanto conocer más o experimentar la riqueza de las verdades de nuestra fe. 


Cómo se implementa

¿Por qué ser católico?, como experiencia de formación para los adultos en la fe, ofrece una serie de servicios diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades parroquiales y de las personas que forman parte de ellas.