Bible Study

At the moment there is not a Bible study group at the parish. If you are interested in Bible study classes please contact the parish office and  let us know. Keep in mind that a Bible study group commits to meet every week for an hour and a half to two hours per class. The lenght of the program depends on the group.

A brief introduction to the Catholic Bible may be completed in five sessions. A full Bible study class may take couple years to be completed.

If you want to take a bible class online on your own, there are some YouTube videos that may be worth watching. Still, you need to be careful not to just watch any video that claims to teach the Catholic Bible. Be careful to discern the authors and validate if possible if they are accepted by the Catholic Bishops of the United States or the USCCB. Avoid videos that teach you things contrary to the Catholic Church.




A plan to read the Bible in a year is available online. It is only in English and it started on January 1st, 2021. You can join at any time and catch out. It takes about 20 minutes a day. Click here to open the page.